Marie Toepfer

Project: I need some space


The Begin (2018/19)

"how do they keep walking circles day by day, complaining,

forgetting who they are, forgetting to look at themselves..

they´re  hunting and searching all the time, no one lives here in 

the now, where is my place in this world full of madness, 

who tells me where i  do belong.."

Nova is a girl of fire, dancing, living, loving,  breathing in her life, A dreamer, lost in oceans of people longing for her space, to find her sense, her reason in this world.

Dev is fighting for his justice, dealing with his guilt. By struggeling and finding answers he´s creating space in himself, that makes him breathe as a free being, released to find his rest pride that was lost in doubting, by hiding to not feel bad. 

Mik is searching for his Kado, and two strangers fall in love.  The way people tend to distance themselves to surely not get hurt, is finding space and  creating boundaries to protect the other and themselves..  All characters seem to be so different, so different in what they want, 

still are they looking for something familiar, something as flexibel as the word itself..


..what does it mean to have space around us, in us, above us at all. How is it even posible?! How is the world, as much as we all are, connected to one little word?

 "I need some space" is a play without lable which deals with exact all of that.  7 little stories about 7 different longings for space in every form. 

The project itself started 2018 and is still goin on;  the vision is to create a big play that connects all stories in one. 

..wheather we are a hunted devil, a dreamer or banking man. A girl full of power, or boy full of sadness or just human beings of fear; we all are desired by the ground basing willing to be ourselves, to be released and be free. It doesnt matter who takes us or freedom, wheather we do, others or just words;   ways to release oneselves out there exist, and if we did it, lets help those who still fail in being who they want to be, cause life´s not fair to them. 

Every impulse leaves a little, every energy can be shared. Life is gifting, when we let it, 

lets try us all to share. x


The idea for this project came up in January 2018. I started to write first scenes and gave myself space to let it grow. As I traveled through Australia for the next months I continued the writing and started to get new visions for a bigger play. "I need some space" was fitting to every story that came to my mind and I realized that this might be the right play idea for a big project I had on my mind;  the idea was to create an art play, that does not need labels at all. Still it should involve a bunch of different art styles, that all could work as one; acting, music, dancing, painting, performing arts. Tequniques and word speak artists could all work hand in hand. 
Uniquly but as one we could show a world, which is full of diferences but would end up as one whole big play, where everything can and does belong. 


"I need some space"  to fulfill me, within my longing heart. To give and share with others, and show that we´re a part of something very powerful, when we would all believe, 

in something great we can create, that show´s them, we are free.  

Free to be good, because we want it. Free to be happy, because we can.                                    Free to be thankful and full of awarenes. Free to speak up,                           for those who cant.


Der Prozess zur Aufführung - Ein Weg durch die Pandemie

Nachdem das Stück 2017 bis 2019 konzipiert wurde, sollte es 2020 in Zusammenarbeit mit Schauspielschüler*innen der Schauspielschule Freiburg aufgeführt werden, doch die Corona-Pandemie zog der gesamten Planung einen Strich durch die Rechnung. 

Es folgten zwei Jahre des Bangens, einem Probenprozess im April 2021, der mit einer Aufführung vor einem pandemie-bedingt leerem Zuschauerraum endete. Durch genügend Support und der Kooperation zur Kulturstätte "E-Werk" in Freiburg konnte "I need some space" Im April/Mai 2022 nun doch endlich aufgeführt werden. 

Vor einem ausverkauften Zuschauerraum zu spielen und eine Menschenmenge an sehr bewegten Menschen aus dem Theater zu lassen belohnte das lange Warten und Bangen, welches wir als Team und ich als Projektleitung tragen mussten.



Schau dir anbei ein paar Fotos von unseren Aufführungen an. 

...oder sieh dir hier ein paar Eindrücke aus dem Probenprozess 2021 an:

"I need some space" wurde im Ansatz des Modern Dada zum Startschuss für mehr Projekte. 

Die Resonanz der Zuschauer*innen war grandios - der Prozess aufregend und aufwühlend!

Ein Stück als Team durch eine so schwere Zeit zu begleiten, zu leiten und schlussendlich doch aufführen zu können wurde stärkend und inspirierend, motivierend und Türen-öffnend für jede neue Idee, die ab jetzt wachsen konnte!  - Genau aus diesem Grund geht es nun (2022) weiter:


am Theater an der Uni in Regensburg!!!